Why N-Power sacked 2525 beneficiaries

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Why N-Power sacked 2525 beneficiaries – N-Power on Tuesday announced that it has so far disengaged 2,525 beneficiaries over various offenses, including absconding from Places of Primary Assignment (PPA).

This is just as 18,674 beneficiaries have also voluntarily resigned, having secured permanent employment.

In a statement by the Communications Manager, National Social Investment Office, Justice Bibiye, the N-Power office said the action followed reports from its team of monitors and whistleblowers

According to the statement, “The Federal team has continued to encourage feedback from the States from existing monitors, whistleblowers and members of the public (through it’s existing call centre), and has acted swiftly by initially placing such beneficiaries on suspension for a period of 45 days.

The statement warns that unless “such beneficiaries are able to provide proof from their primary place of assignment and the State focal person that they were actually present, or absent with reason, their participation in the programme is terminated after the period of suspension”

The Programme which was introduced in 2016 by President Muhammmadu Buhari as a job enhancement scheme, is aimed at imbibing the learn-work-entrepreneurship culture in Nigerian youth between 18 and 35 for graduates, as well as for non-graduates.

So far, about 500,000 youth, spread across the 774 LGAs of the country are currently enrolled in the programme and deployed to teach in public schools, act as health workers in primary health centres, as agricultural extension advisors to small holder farmers in the communities and also as community tax liaison officers.

Each of the beneficiary under the graduate category is paid a stipend of N30,000 monthly for their services.

“It had earlier come to the notice of the Federal team that some of the N-Power beneficiaries had either absconded from their primary places of assignment, or gained permanent employment subsequent to their commencement on the programme.

“Reports continue to emerge in a few States, however, that some beneficiaries of the Programme are said to have stayed away for long periods of time from their primary places of assignment (PPA), which instances have compelled the need for continued action against those who are seen to be undermining the smooth implementation of a well-thought out Federal Government social intervention initiative.

“Consequently, to ensure seamless execution of the programme in order to achieve the set goals, the NSIO has increased the number of monitoring partners, with fresh discussions having commenced in earnest to seek enhanced supervision and the strengthening of monitoring, for effective and efficient service delivery of all components of the NSIPs.

The statement also tasked beneficiaries to note that the “N-Power is not a charity program and, therefore, everyone captured under the scheme is expected to justify his/her engagement by demonstrating diligence, hard work and commitment to duty at their PPAs”

“Acts of dereliction of duty, indolence, absenteeism and indiscipline on the part of volunteers shall continue to be dealt with decisively and in line with the rules of engagement.

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