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In King Edward the Second, abuse of power, conspiracy and treachery assume a more horrendous dimension. In this nice poetic historical tragedy, Marlowe examines “domination of self-interests, lack of self-restraint in pursuit of desire and goals” (Okolo, 1994: 67) as the bane of the power-hungry. In this play, King Edward II conceives power as a means of self-indulgence. To have Gaveston return from exile, he is prepared to rid his court of the nobles, those who “make the king seem glorious to the world”. To push on with his homosexual shows with Gaveston, King Edward II tyrannises the church, and treats his wife, Queen Isabella with disdain. Expressing her loss of personal dignity, honour and the king’s love to Gaveston, the Queen laments:

For now, my lord, the king regards me not, but dote Upon the love of Gaveston. He claps his cheeks, and hangs about his neck, smiles in his face and whispers in his ears. And when I came, he frowns

So, if the Queen later joins forces against the king, and with the Young Mortimer, desecrates the king’s “nuptial bed with infamy”; she does so to pay the king back in like terms. King Edward never conceives power as service, but as lordship. To him, the king must not be overruled in any matter. While external aggression threatens to submerge England from all quarters, and the soldiers’ mutiny for want of pay, he plans “lascivious shows” and empties the treasury on Gaveston. To indulge in his pleasure, King Edward II makes desperate and unnatural resolutions. For example, he is ready to turn “English civil towns into huge heaps of stones” in order to have Gaveston return from exile.

However, when Edward II succumbs to the wrathful chances of war, and surrenders the crown, the young Mortimer, in order to maintain control, proves himself to be even more cruel and arrogant than the king. In fact, he elevates conspiracy and treachery to a monstrous level. He sees power as a means of ego massage, and as a tool to plague perceived enemies. To have a pound of flesh from Edward II, he does not only cause him to suffer incarceration in a dungeon where “the filth of all the castle falls”, but he treacherously uses Lightborn to murder him in a most heinous way. Again, for fear that Kent may have overbearing influence on King Edward II, Mortimer, in spite of the young king’s protestation, orders for the beheading of Kent. Feeling satisfied that he has succeeded in eliminating likely opposition to the realm, he boasts:

The Prince I rule, the Queen I do command, And with a lowly conge to the ground, the proudest Lords salute me as I pass. I seal, I conceal, I do what I will. (Act V Scene II)

However, as the young Mortimer basks in the sunshine of success achieved through conspiracy and treachery, Gurney reveals his complicity in the death of King Edward II. In a torrent of anger, the young Edward, whose “thoughts have been martyred with endless torment” because of the loss of his dear father, and uncle, orders for an immediate decapitation of Mortimer.

In this play, Marlowe, through dramatic examination of abysmal use of power, harps on the concept of fortune wheel. He uses the play to alert us to the danger inherent in a wrong conception of power, to clarify the point that there is a time for everything; a time to rise and a time to fall. When the Young Mortimer is being led away to suffer the consequences of his ruthless conspiracy, he recognises all this imperative point of view:

Base fortune, now I see that in thy wheel

There is a point, to which when men aspire,

They tumble headlong down. That point I touched

(Act V Scene VI)

The Jew of Malta is a dramatic diagnosis of the evil of capitalism. In it, Marlowe queries the economic morality of his age, and finds unbridled lust for gold as “an unmistakable sign of decadence” (Knights, 1968: 6). In this play, Barabas equates wealth with honour. In spite of the fact that he has enough wealth that can “maintain him all his life”, and which can “serve in peril of calamity to ransom great kings in captivity” (Act I Scene I), he is ready to “rip open the bowel of the earth” to acquire more wealth. To him, it is better to be “a Jew and be hated; than to be pitied in a Christian poverty”. Like Karl Marx, he sees religion as opium which poisons the conscience and compels people to live in penury. Mocking the Christians antagonism against the Jews over their unwholesome quest for gold, he boasts:

They say we are a scattered nation.

I cannot tell, but we have scrambled up

More wealth by far than those that brag of faith

There’s Kirrah Jarrim, the great Jew of Greece

Obed in Baiseth, Nones in Portugal

Myself in Malta, some in Italy

Many in France, and wealthy every one.

Ay, wealthier than any Christian (Act I Scene I).

Barabas’s mounting impatience and lust for wealth blinds him completely, and propels him to employ the most monstrous and appalling means the human mind can imagine, to realise his economic interest. Hear him out:

Then after I am usurer

And with extorting, cozening, forfeiting

And tricks belonging unto brokery

I filled the jails with bankrupts in a year.

And with young orphans planted hospitals

And every moon made some others mad

And now and then one hang himself for grief

Pinning upon his breast a long great scroll

How I with interest torment him.

But mark how I am blest for plaguing them

I have as much coin as will buy the town.

(Act II Scene III)

Treachery is Barabas’s second nature. He does not only employ it to amass wealth, he equally uses it to plague his perceived offenders and enemies. For example, to punish Governor Ferneze for dispossessing him of his gold, he forces his daughter, Abigail to swear false love to Don Lodowick. He tells her:

Entertain Lodowick the governor’s son

With all the courtesy you can afford

Provided that you keep your maidenhood

Use him as if he were a philistine

Dissemble, swear, protest, vow love to him

He is not of the seed of Abraham (Act II Scene II)

Barabas’s intention in doing this is to pitch the governor’s son against his nice friend, Don Mathias. Indeed, Lodowick’s proclaimed love to Abigail greatly incensed Mathias, and they engaged in a fight in which both perished.

Again, when the death of Mathias compels Abigail to feel that, “there is no love on earth” (Act III Scene III), and forces her to join the nunnery, which “functions as a kind of Arcadia a place of escape from the world of” Barabas, “from the schemings of the material mind” (Lester, 1999: 252), Barabas who fears that Abigail may reveal all she knows about him, decides to use Ithamore, his “second half” to poison the entire nuns, just to get at Abigail.

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