NYIF Loan Disbursement Portal Validation 2020/2021 | nyif.nmfb.com.ng

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NYIF Loan Disbursement Login Portal 2020/2021 | : The Nigerian Youth Investment Fund has started sending out loans to all interested and qualified applicants who applied on the NMFB Portal.

If you applied for the Nigerian Youth Investment Fund (NYIF) Loan and you have not supplied or submitted your bank details where the funds will be sent to and also the loan amount, then kindly be informed that the portal is now open for the application for disbursement of loan.

NYIF News Update 2021

Dear Prospective NYIF Applicants

Kindly validate your BVN on the NYIF portal by following the procedures below and enter your bank verification number and create your password, then submit. You are to wait for the NYIF portal to process your request which a mail with link will be sent to your email address you registered on the NYIF portal. It takes few minutes or days to receive confirmation mail, this is because the system is responding to millions of application.

NYIF Loan Disbursement Portal BVN Validation

The portal for the disbursement of the Nigerian Youths Investment Fund and Bank Verification Number (BVN) is now open and you can login to the portal and submit your bank account details and the amount you wish to apply for.

To do this, kindly follow the procedures below.

  1. Visit the Nirsal Micro-finance Bank (NMFB) and NYIF Portal via https://nyif.nmfb.com.ng
  2. Click on the Loan Application
  3. Enter your 11 digits Bank Verification Number (BVN)
  4. Finally, click on Validate BVN to start your Loan application

NOTE: You are to wait for the NYIF portal to process your request which a mail with link will be sent to your email address you registered on the NYIF portal. It takes few minutes or days to receive confirmation mail, this is because the system is responding to millions of application.

How to register on

To register and Login on the NYIF Loan Disbursement portal, kindly follow the guide below and you will be able to complete your registration which will enable you update your bank details and loan amount.

  1. Visit this link >> https://nyif.nmfb.com.ng/ApplicantDashboard/Business/ForgotPassword
  2. Enter your email address (the one used during the first stage NYIF Registration)
  3. Click on Submit button, You will get a message that registration successful
  4. Finally, check your submitted email inbox/spam box for a confirmation email and complete your registration.

After a successful registration, you will then have the opportunity to update your account details, loan amount and other records that needs to be updated.

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    In order to claim a corporate income tax refund, a foreign company must be registered in Malta as a trading or holding company (deriving its income from trading activities or from participation in other organisations, respectively).
    In the tax accounting of a Maltese company, the income earned by it must be recorded in one of four tax accounts: “foreign profits”, “Maltese profits”, “profits from immovable property”, “non-taxable income”. Each type of income is taxed according to its own rules. The final amount of tax is recorded in the fifth account “final tax”.
    Example. Consider the two most common cases: a Maltese company derives profits from trading activities abroad and from participation in other companies. In either case, these profits are subject to statutory tax at 35 per cent, but the Maltese shareholders are entitled to claim a refund of the tax taken from the dividends distributed. The refund rules differ for different types of income.
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