Nigerian navy portal finally opens for 2019 recruitment – apply now!

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Nigerian Navy Recruitment 2019/2020 Form | Register Here Now – Are you ready to see Nigerian Navy recruitment 2019/2020 dssc Form | You can apply here Now.

Are you interested in joining the Nigerian Navy? Have you been having passion for Nigerian Navy 2019/2020 (DIRECT SHORT SERVICE COMMISSION COURSE) jobs? If yes, read on to find everything you probably don’t know about how Nigerian navy 2019 recruitment is done.

Below are searched related to this post:

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  • Nigerian navy recruitment portal 2019/2020
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  • How to apply for Nigerian navy recruitment

There are rumors that Nigerian Navy recruitment 2019/2020 is currently, However we have specified all the general requirements for recruitment into Nigeria navy below:

Nigerian Navy recruitment 2019-2019 requirements

  1. West African School Certificate/Senior Secondary School Certificate.
  2. General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level.
  3. WAEC City and Guilds or London City and Guilds.
  4. Ordinary National Diploma (OND).
  5. All applicants must produce their primary school leaving certificate.
  6. Applicants are to note that entry requirement into the following categories is SSCE or equivalent: B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, C1, D1, D2, D4, D5, D6, E1, E2, E3, E4, F1, G, H. Any other additional qualifications in these categories can only serve as an added advantage for selection into the branch and not for advancement. See the guide for details.
  7. Any applicant possessing higher educational/professional qualification, i.e. HND, BA/BSc, etc other than those stated in Paragraph 1 (a-g) should not apply. Candidates are therefore warned that it is an offence to declare false educational/professional qualification. This attracts outright withdrawal or dismissal and hand over to Civil Police for prosecution.
  8. Any certificate or qualification not declared or tendered and accepted during the recruitment exercise is not acceptable after recruitment and cannot be tendered for the purpose of change of branch or advancement while in the Naval service. Only qualifications obtained through proper service provisions are tenable after joining.
  9. Applicants must be between the ages of 18 – 22 years at the time of entry into the Training School for school certificate holders, while 24 years of age is the acceptable limit for those with higher qualifications e.g. Nurses, NCE Holders, ICT Professionals, etc.
  10. Applicants must not be married or have children before joining.
  11. Applicant is required to print out Parent/Guardian Consent Form and Local Government Attestation Form.
  12. Applicants must be of Nigerian origin by birth.
  13. Applicants with any of the following problems are NOT to apply: short sight, ear problem, previous orthopaedic operation, flat foot, below the required height (Male 1.70, Female 1.67), fracture, stammering or any natural disability.
  14. All Applicants for Nigerian Navy recruitment 2019 must be free from any previous conviction by court of law on criminal charges.
  15. Applicants must come to the recruitment centres with the following documents:
  16. Photocopies of Birth Certificate or Age Declaration.
  17. Photocopies of Credentials.
  18. Acknowledgment Form.
  19. Duly completed identification form to be signed by Chairman or Secretary of the candidate’s LGA or by an officer of the rank of Commander, Chief Superintendent of Police (CSP) or Equivalent and above from candidate’s State of Origin.
  20. Four passport photographs duly signed and stamped by any of the persons mentioned in Sub-Paragraph (c) above.
  21. Candidates for Nigerian Navy recruitment 2019 are advised to bring the scratch cards of their NECO and WAEC results to the recruitment centres.
  22. Click SUBMIT on the portal and generate the applicant’s Application ID.

Warning: In your own interest, you are immensely advised in your own interest and protection not to pay anybody, group or person any amount of Money or any kind of inducement to help you secure Navy recruitment 2019 Job. However, you must report any person or group of people involved in that act.

How To Apply For Nigerian Navy Recruitment 2019

  1. a) Visit the Nigerian Navy Recruitment Exercise here Nigerian Navy Dssc Recruitment 2019or Nigerian Navy portal www.joinnigeriannavy.comor
  2. b) Create an account on the recruitment portal a valid email address (which will be your User Name) and password. It is important you memorize your username and password to login again in the portal.
  3. c) Download and print a copy of your completed Application form.

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